Ang Moh Cooks Malaysian

Welcome to Ang Moh Cooks Malaysian, where I, a simple Ang Moh, attempt to recreate my favourite Malaysian dishes using the ingredients available to me here in the UK. I'll be sharing my attempts with you, as well as the recipes I develop while testing various foodstuffs on my wife and friends.

Cooking with standard home kitchen equipment and, where possible, ingredients available in most bigger supermarkets or asian supermarkets in the UK, I'm aiming to cover the whole spectrum of Malaysian cuisine; from home cooking, through hawker dishes to restaurant fare. If I've eaten it and I've enjoyed it (or if my wife demands it), I'll be trying to replicate it.

I'm also wanting to create a resource for anyone that wants to be able to cook tasty asian food at home using whatever ingredients are available in your area. This will include such information as alternatives for certain difficult-to-buy ingredients, reviews of popular supermarket 'fresh' noodles, and general cooking techniques. Remember, my recipies are not authentic Malaysian, they are just my attempts at creating similar dishes, so I apologise in advance if any Malaysians feel that I have ruined a particular dish.

Selemat Datang!

Latest Malaysian Recipes


A snack sold at roadside hawker stalls throughout Malaysia, Cekodok at it's simplest is a traditional fritter which can be made with a variety of ingredients. It's basically the Malaysian alternative to banana bread - what you make when you have too many old bananas to use up!


Mee Siam is one of several Malaysian dishes that I initially ate in the UK, instead of being introduced to it by friends and family in Penang. In this case I first tried it at C&R Cafe in Chinatown in London, having been tempted by it's description in the menu, and also having no objection from my wife! At it's core, it's a dish of fried bee hoon (vermicelli) with a flavour paste and various toppings. But it can be so tasty!


Noodles are one of the pillars of Malaysian cuisine. They're used in many dishes in many ways; from dry fried noodles, to soups, and even desserts (because Cendol is totally a noodle, right?). Fresh noodles always give best results, and in Malaysia they're available everywhere.


One of the things I love about strolling around in hawker centres and food markets in Malaysia is the sheer array of colours on display. Foodstuffs of all hues adorn the stalls, catching the eye and beckoning you over to buy. And the brightest of these comestibles is usually the Nyonya Kuih - a selection of colourful Malaysian cakes and desserts that you can't help but love.


Sambal is used everywhere in Malaysian cuisine. It comes in so many varieties, and is used in many ways throughout the country's dishes. From a sauce to stir-fry vegetables with, to a base for soup, to a condiment on the side of a dish, sambal is used everywhere.